
Pearson | Vue Test Center

We deliver the world’s leading exams as a Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Center.

We have a very conducive environment for you to do your test exams with PearsonVue. Modern ambience, air-conditioned facility, low noise-levels, and inverter/generator back-up in case of power interruptions. We are also ideally located at Vijana Towers in Upanga.

Take a test with Pearson VUE - Navigate your testing journey with ease.

Your certification is at the heart of communities across the globe, empowering professionals in your field to protect the public, advance new technology, and drive progress for future generations.

The impact of professional certification is clear. At Pearson VUE, we provide you with expert testing services for the entire exam lifecycle to drive your certification or licensure program to new heights.

As your partner in testing — delivering more than 15 million exams annually — we continually push the limits by developing secure exam delivery options and innovative testing modalities to help you achieve your goals.

View the list of exams provided by PEARSONVUE via this link:

PearsonVue A-to-Z Program List

Exam sessions available for booking:

Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm as per time slots available.


We are open Monday to Saturday
(excluding Public Holidays)

Hours of Operation:

Training Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8.30 AM to 8.30 PM
Sat: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Administration and Enquiries:
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sat: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Emerson Education is a training institute focused on providing solutions for career enhancement.

  • Sunplaza Ground Floor / Vijana Tower Ground Floor, Fire Station Road, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
  • Landline: +255 22 150 997
    Mobile: +255 788 150 997/+255 676 150 997
  • info@emerson.ac.tz


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