Emerson is a tuition and training provider that works with global institutions and accrediting boards to provide the Tanzanian workforce with skills and professional qualifications to become more productive in the work place.
From the moment you enter the Emerson Education premises, you will realize that the facilities have been designed singularly focused on our main stakeholder - you, the student. We are led by our motto "Education with a Smile", as we believe strongly that true success depends on attitude first. Which is also why we do not see ourselves as providing education alone, we aim to provide experiences.
Emerson Education believes it has an important part to play in the future of the Tanzanian student and the skilled workforce, as we get further ingrained in the fast-paced world beyond and within our borders.
Tanzania - a beautiful country blessed with many resources, including a very large and peace-loving population. However, we have constantly been termed as among the least-productive nations globally. While there are many factors to this, an area that is widely-accepted as among the primary reasons for lackluster performance of any country in the global economic landscape is lack of education and training. With a young and growing population, there is little doubt that Africa in general, and Tanzania in particular is the only continent that is still in developmental infancy with huge upside. To ensure we are not left grabbing straws, Tanzanians should take a lead in ensuring the progress of our country benefits citizens primarily. And education is key to this.
Emerson Education, while created with the aim of being a profitable education institute, believes it has a momentous role to play in the development of education and training beyond traditional schooling. From exposing kids as young as 5-years to the wonderful digital world, to adult-learners, and from internationally-accredited programs to pathways to Bachelor's and beyond - Emerson Education believes we can offer world-class education to learners at a fraction of the cost, right here at home - where the heart belongs.
We look forward to seeing you at Emerson Education, and we are excited to be a part of the future of Tanzania.
Kumail brings considerable experience to his role as director of Emerson Education, having pursued his Bachelor's in operations at Ryerson University, Canada, and his MBA at Warwick Business School (UK). He runs the firm Mosaic Global, an advisory firm for high-net-worth individuals and families, helping them manage wealth across generations. He is also an entrepreneur and an investor with particular interests in education, finance, furnishing, and other service industries.
Principal/General Manager
Faizan has spent the last two decades of his career in the teaching and training space. Having pursued his Bachelor's in IT from Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS) - UK, and his background in leading a number of established training institutions, he brings considerable experience at managing education institutions which has allowed Emerson Education to maintain a high level of delivery at all levels within the Tanzanian training industry.
Professional Background:
IT Faculty & Head of Dept:
2000 to 2005 West London Learning Centre
Dar es Salaam
2000 to 2005 Upeo Learning Centre
Dar es Salaam
2006 to 2015 PCTL Training Institute
Dar es Salaam
Principal/General Manager:
2015 to Date Emerson Education
Dar es Salaam
With the world shrinking and the digital space allowing any person globally to be a click or a message away, we need to, now more than ever, to ensure that the Tanzanian workforce is highly-skilled, productive and with a productive mindset to drive the next stage of development in our country.
Emerson Education strives to achieve this by providing globally-recognized education that puts careers on the path of success, especially in the field of Accounting, Business, and IT. In addition to this, we recognize that employers increasingly value skills in particular areas, rather than generalists in the workforce. With the range of shorter training from Institute of Commercial Management (UK) and International Computer Driver Licence, we help those already in the workforce to hone their skills in the various areas such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, HR & Leadership, to increase chances of advancement and greater impact in their work towards national development.
We continue to develop the training space in Tanzania and look forward to an ever-prospering Tanzania.